Research And Concept Part Drawings
Initial research was done through current landing gear systems and other literature sources for certain components of the system. Sketches were made for the initial design of the mechanism for the landing gear to see how each part had to be designed and how they're going to interact with other parts within the mechanism.  It was also decided that the cage the whole landing gear mechanism had to fit within was 1.5m x 1.0m x 0.75m.​​​​​​​
Components were broken down for each part of the landing gear mechanism and all parts were modeled/ assembled within SolidWorks. The bogie is the main base of the landing gear that will come out of the system which contains the shock absorber and the landing gear wheels. The outer cage contains the door mechanism, the up and down locks, and the turning mechanism. 
Animations Of Different Mechanisms
Final Product
This group project resulted in the completion of a fully designed and assembled landing gear. Achieving of fitting the whole system within the cage that was decided in the initial design stages and met all the requirements for the landing gear system. Deep knowledge was gained in complex mechanical systems, design processes, and improving communication skills within a team.

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